Understanding Preservation Rhinoplasty
Preservation rhinoplasty is a surgical technique that aims to reshape the nose while preserving its natural structural components and support. This approach focuses on conservative methods to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose, while also addressing functional issues such as septal deviation or nasal valving. Unlike traditional rhinoplasty techniques, preservation rhinoplasty minimizes modification to the framework beneath the skin, reducing the risk of outwardly visible irregularities.
By preserving the natural anatomy of the nose, this technique can help achieve a more natural-looking result with less downtime and reduced swelling and bruising. It is particularly suitable for patients who have a well-defined nasal aesthetic line, have not had previous surgery, and require minimal tip treatment. However, it can also be used to address more complex issues such as crookedness, septal deviation, tip shaping, and broad noses, but these cases may require more operator competence.
At Dr Mohaghegh Plastic Surgery, our experienced surgeon will work closely with you to determine if preservation rhinoplasty is the right choice for your specific needs and goals. We will ensure that you are fully informed about the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks, and that you are prepared for a smooth and successful recovery.