January 15, 2024

Expert Advice on Rhinoplasty in Sydney

Interested in a Rhinoplasty, this is an article that is a must-read.

In Sydney, nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, is quite common. It can take 3 to 4 hours and you might need up to two weeks off work to recover. This surgery could cost between $12,000 and $20,000, depending on the certifications of the surgeon.

When picking a surgeon for this in Sydney, make sure they have learned a lot about this kind of surgery. You should look at their before and after pictures too. Some people choose not to have surgery but instead get treatments that can last from half a year up to three years.

Even though getting your nose done can make you feel happier with how you look, there are some risks like bleeding or infection.

Surgeons performing rhinoplasty in Sydney must be certified by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons because they need special training.

Keep reading if you want to learn more about how to pick out the best surgeon for changing your nose shape!

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a qualified surgeon for rhinoplasty in Sydney; look for those who are board-certified and trained in facial plastic surgery.
  • Understand the types of rhinoplasty procedures available, including open and closed methods, and consider non-surgical options like fillers as alternatives.
  • Be aware of potential risks that come with nose reshaping surgery such as bleeding, infection or breathing difficulties.
  • Before deciding on surgery, review before and after photos to set realistic expectations about the changes to your nose's appearance.

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery involves delving into the intricate process of reshaping and refining the nose to enhance facial harmony. It's an opportunity for individuals to address both aesthetic concerns and functional issues through a tailored surgical approach.

Restoring Natural Balance to the Face

Rhinoplasty surgery helps make the nose look better with your face. The goal is not just to change how the nose looks but to make it match well with other features on your face. For many, this means a more balanced look that feels right.

A skilled surgeon can shape your nose in a way that improves facial harmony. They work on things like size, width, and angles so everything fits together nicely. After surgery, people often notice their whole face seems more in sync.

Good rhinoplasty takes care of small details for big results. It's about making changes that feel natural, not fake or overdone. When done by an expert, these changes can boost how you see yourself and give you new confidence.

Common Rhinoplasty Problems

Rhinoplasty can sometimes lead to issues. People often face common problems after nasal surgery.

  • Bent nose: Sometimes after surgery, a person's nose may not be straight. It could lean to one side which might need more work to fix.
  • Boxy tip: The end of the nose might look square-shaped. This can happen if the cartilage is not shaped right during surgery.
  • Broken noses: A nose might get broken again after it has been fixed. This can cause more pain and require another surgery.
  • Bulbous nasal tip: The tip of the nose may be too round or large. This might make someone unhappy with how their nose looks.
  • Hanging columella: The bit between the nostrils may hang down too far. This can make the underside of the nose look uneven.
  • Hump removal issues: Taking out a bump on the nose bridge can lead to an uneven surface or a look that a person does not like.
  • Inverted V deformity: After surgery, there may be an upside-down 'V' shape showing at the bridge of the nose. This shows that something didn't go right with restructuring.
  • Narrow nose: The nostrils or bridge could become too tight, making it hard for air to move through.

Specific Rhinoplasty Techniques

Moving from the issues people often want to fix, there are special ways surgeons can shape someone's nose. These techniques include two main types: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty.

In open rhinoplasty, the surgeon cuts the nose to see everything clearly. This is good for big changes. Closed rhinoplasty has cuts inside the nose, so scars don't show.

It works well for smaller tweaks.

Surgeons change bones or cartilage during these surgeries to make noses look better or improve function. They might take away some bone or cartilage or add to it to get the right shape.

Sometimes they even use non-surgical ways like fillers if only small changes are needed. Each way has its steps but always aims for natural-looking results that match each person's face.

Alar Flare Reduction: What You Need to Know

Specific rhinoplasty techniques can greatly improve your nose's look. Alar flare reduction is one such method, focusing on the nostrils. If you have a wide nose or flared nostrils, this surgery might interest you.

It changes the base of your nose to make it narrower and more balanced with your face.

Experts like Dr Mohaghegh in Sydney use alar base reduction to fix the size and shape of your nostrils. They cut out a small piece from where your nostril walls meet your cheeks.

This makes the nostrils smaller and less flared-up looking. People who want their nose to fit better with their other features often choose this procedure. Surgery results are shown in before-and-after photos so you can see what changes are possible.

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Sydney

Selecting the right surgeon for your rhinoplasty in Sydney is crucial, as their expertise and experience will significantly influence the outcome of your nose reshaping procedure; ensure you delve deeper to understand why credentials and portfolio matter.

Surgical Credentials and Qualifications

Picking the right rhinoplasty surgeon in Sydney is super important. Check their surgical credentials and qualifications carefully.

  • Look for a surgeon with board certification. This means they passed special exams and met the high standards required to perform plastic surgery operations in Australia.
  • Make sure your surgeon is trained through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. They need at least 8 years of study to be experts.
  • Ask if your surgeon has specific training in ENT or facial plastic surgery. These areas focus on the nose and face.
  • Find out how much experience they have with rhinoplasty.
  • Review before and after photos of past surgeries the doctor did. It shows you what changes they can make.
  • Ensure the surgeon knows about Australian plastic surgery rules. They should follow all safety laws.
  • Confirm that the doctor keeps learning new things in their field. Medicine always changes and good surgeons keep up.

Before and After Photos

Looking at before and after photos can help you see what a nose job might do for you. These images share real stories of how he changes a patient's nose to achieve the goal of the patient.

Dr Mohaghegh also shares his rhinoplasty gallery so patients like you can think about the changes they want. You get to understand how your face could change after surgery by seeing actual results from others who had their noses fixed.

Now, let's talk about finding the best surgeon for your nasal surgery in Sydney.

What to Expect Before, During, and After Rhinoplasty

Preparing for rhinoplasty involves understanding the surgical process, managing expectations and being informed about recovery times; continue reading to navigate your journey with confidence.

Potential Risks and Complications

Rhinoplasty, like any surgery, can have risks. Some people might bleed a lot or get an infection. It can also hurt after the operation. Sometimes, the nose may swell too much or a hematoma (a swelling filled with blood) might happen.

Skin problems such as skin necrosis (when skin tissue dies) are rare but serious issues.

There are other concerns with nasal surgery too. You could feel different in your nose skin or find it hard to breathe through your nose. A hole might form in the nasal septum and this would need more surgery to fix.

Dr. Mohaghegh from Sydney says there are steps you can take to lower these risks during rhinoplasty. Make sure you pick a good surgeon and talk about all the possible complications before deciding on surgery.

This way, you'll know what could happen and how likely it is.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Options

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a quick way to shape your nose without surgery. Doctors use injectable fillers to change the look of your nose. This method can fix small problems like bumps or help make the nose fit better with the rest of the face.

It's good because it doesn't take long and you don't need much time to get better afterwards.

You will see changes right away after getting this non-surgical nose job. Most people can enjoy their new nose look for 18 to 24 months. 

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Mohaghegh

Want to talk about getting a rhinoplasty? Dr. Mohaghegh is ready to help you. He's an expert in nose-related surgeries in Sydney Australia.  He can give you advice on how to make your face look nicer with a new nose shape.

At the consultation, Dr Mohaghegh will listen to what you want and look at your face closely. He'll tell you what he can do for your nose to fix problems or change its shape so it fits your face better.

If you're thinking about having a rhinoplasty, meeting with him is a great first step towards looking the way you dream of.


In Sydney, getting expert advice on rhinoplasty is key. Make sure you choose a top surgeon for your nose reshaping needs. Dr Mohaghegh is one of the best in Australia.

They can help you get the best results and care during recovery. Remember, a good doctor will guide you through each step of your nose job journey!