August 26, 2024

Alar Flare Reduction: What You Need to Know

Want to know more about getting a alar flare reduction? This article explains it all.

Alar Flare Reduction is a surgical procedure that makes your nostrils look smaller and more even. It  removes small bits of tissue to change the size of your nostrils   so they don't stick out as much.

This helps your nose match better with the rest of your face.  Surgeons might use smart ways like the sandwich technique and alar base stitch to keep the natural shape and make both sides match.

The surgery can fix it when the space between your nostrils is bigger than the space between your eyes. But, you need to know it's a big change, and sometimes you might need another surgery to make it just right.

After getting this done, you will wear a bandage for a bit, with most puffiness going down in one month, but full healing can take half a year.

It's normal to feel swollen and have some bruising  after this operation; blowing your nose is off-limits for 6 weeks! Exercise has to wait too until at least 4-6 weeks have passed.

The cost depends on  the length and complexity of the surgery. Usually this procedure is not covered by private health insurance.

Picking a surgeon who knows noses well is super important! You'll want to look at pictures before and after other people's surgeries so you can think about how yours might turn out.

Your facial harmony can be improved by shaping up those flaring nostrils—keep reading if you want all details on making this choice!

Alar Flare Reduction (Alarplasty) At A Glance

Target Area: Ala cartilage (wide nostrils)
Time Off Work: 1 - 2 weeks (this is patient dependent)
Total Recovery: 6 weeks (this is procedure technique and patient dependent)
Scar Positioning: In the crease of the nose, where the nose meets the cheers (this is the conventional positioning, but depending on your situation this might vary)

Key Takeaways

  • Alar flare reduction can make your nostrils look less wide and help the overall balance of your face.
  • There are different surgeries like alarplasty and alar base reduction to change nose shape.
  • After surgery, you need to take care of yourself by following the surgeon's  instructions for a good healing process.
  • Risks with this surgery include swelling, infection, or nose shape problems.
  • The cost of this surgery is not usually covered by insurance. It depends on the surgeon's experience and where you live.

What is Alar Flare?

Alar flare refers to the outward expansion of the nostrils, which can be a distinct facial feature for some individuals. Diverse factors such as genetics or facial expressions contribute to its prominence and may influence one's desire to pursue cosmetic correction for enhanced symmetry and aesthetic balance.


Alar flare is when the sides of your nose stand out more than usual. It makes your nostrils look wider and can change how your whole nose looks. Some people might not like this and want to make their nostrils smaller.

Surgeons perform alar base surgery to fix alar flare. This means they work on the bottom part of your nose to improve the appearance. This helps improve how your nose looks from the front and can make you feel better about yourself.

Nostril reshaping fixes problems with noses that are too wide or have flared nostrils. It also helps if one side of someone's nose does not match the other side. Surgeons take care while doing this so that after surgery, people's noses fit well with their faces.


Some people have wide or flaring nostrils because of their genes. They are born with an alar flare and it's just part of how they look. Accidents can also make nostrils flare out. If someone hurts their nose, it might heal in a way that makes the nostrils look wider.

Serious illnesses like pneumonia or bronchiolitis can lead to alar flare too. Kids who get a harsh cough called croup may also show signs of their nostrils flaring when they breathe.

Trouble breathing, nasal congestion, and infections in your breathing parts can all affect your nose and make your nostrils flare.

Nasal obstruction from swelling inside your nose is another reason for alar flare. Nose injuries can change the shape of your nose and cause trouble breathing which leads to more noticeable flaring especially when you're trying hard to draw breath.

How it affects appearance

The reasons behind alar flare can have a big impact on how someone's face looks. Alar flare makes the nostrils look wide and the base of the nose can seem too broad for the face. This might throw off facial balance, making people feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Alar Flare Reduction gives a more refined nasal tip and narrows the width of the nostrils, which helps with facial symmetry improvement. It also lifts the alar crease, giving better harmony to nose and face shapes.

The changes from this surgery are designed to enhance how noses blend with other facial features, leading to an overall improved look that many find pleasing.

Alar Flare Reduction Procedures

Alar Flare Reduction Procedures offer tailored solutions to reshape the nostrils for a more balanced facial appearance, with various surgical techniques ensuring results that harmonise with your unique features.

These targeted approaches provide precision in addressing the individual contours of your nose, refining your profile and enhancing overall facial symmetry.


Alarplasty is a surgery that changes how your nostrils look. Surgeons do this by removing small parts of the alar, the curvy area where your nose and cheek meet. This makes your nostrils smaller and less wide so they don't flare as much.

Many people choose this surgery to make their nose look more balanced.

If you find your nostril size or shape doesn't match, an alarplasty might be a good choice for you. It can help make both sides of your nose look the same. Sometimes doctors do it with other nose surgeries (such as rhinoplasty) for a bigger change in how your nose looks.

If one side of your nostrils was changed by having a cleft lip as a baby, this surgery can also help fix that.

This procedure is mainly about making you happy with how you look rather than fixing health problems. Talk to a doctor who knows lots about noses if you are thinking about getting an alarplasty done.

They will tell you what to expect, talk about risks, and explain how long it takes to heal after the surgery.

Now let's explore if reducing alar flare is right for you.

Alar Base Reduction

Moving from the general reshaping of the alar region, let's focus on a specific procedure known as Alar Base Reduction. This surgery helps to correct wide nostrils by making them narrower.

Surgeons remove a small piece of tissue from the base of the nostrils. This change is permanent. Once done, this cannot be turned back without another surgery.

This procedure often includes removing part of the nasal sill if it's too big and causing extra flare in your nostrils. A trapezoidal graft might also be used to keep some natural flare while fixing its shape.

Nostril size reduction aims to create a balanced look that fits well with your other facial features.

Choosing this type of nostril reshaping means you want long-lasting changes in how your nose looks. It can make a big difference not only in appearance but also in how you feel about yourself.

The key thing is that any changes made fit well with your unique face shape and features.

Techniques and methods used

Reducing the width of your nose's base can change your look. Techniques and methods used in alar flare reduction depend on what you need.

  • One choice is Alarplasty. Surgeons cut small parts from the sides of your nostrils.
  • They may use a Wedge excision. Here, they take out tiny wedges of tissue to make the flares smaller.
  • The Sandwich Technique is quite popular. This method narrows the base of your nose carefully.
  • Sometimes, doctors do an Alar base reduction. They work on the bottom part of your nostrils for a better shape.
  • Alar flaring reduction helps if your nostrils spread too much when you breathe or talk.
  • For Alar hooding reduction, surgeons fix extra folds that might be by your nostrils.

Is Alar Flare Reduction Right for You??

You might think about alar flare reduction if you feel your nostrils are too wide or don't match your face. People who find that the width of their nostrils is more than the space between their eyes often choose this surgery.

It ensures both sides of your nose look the same and can make your whole face appear more balanced. If you want smaller nostrils or to fix how they look, this procedure could be right for you.

Talk with a doctor who knows a lot about noses to learn more. They will check out your nose, talk about what changes you want, and tell you what results to expect from the surgery.

You should also know that once you have alar base reduction, it's not something that can be easily undone. However, if needed, another operation can adjust the size again. Now let’s look at what happens after surgery in terms of recovery and care.

Recovery and Aftercare

Navigating the post-operative journey with care, recovery from alar flare reduction demands attention to detail and adherence to your surgeon's guidance. Understanding the steps involved in healing can pave the way for a successful outcome and enhanced facial harmony.

Post-surgery care

After your alar flare reduction surgery, taking care of yourself is key. Here's what you need to do to help your nose heal and keep problems away.

  • Wear a bandage: You'll have a bandage on your nose. Keep it there for as long as the doctor says.
  • Watch for swelling: Your nose will be puffy, but most of the swelling goes down in a month.
  • Deal with numbness: You might not feel your nose tip, upper lip, or gums at first. Feeling should come back slowly over weeks or months.
  • Be gentle when cleaning: When you clean your face and nose, be soft and careful.
  • Stay away from blowing your nose: Don't blow your nose for at least 6 weeks to avoid hurting it again.
  • Skip the pool and gym early on: No swimming for 4 weeks and no gym for 4-6 weeks — give your body time to rest.
  • Follow all care instructions: Your doctor will give you a plan. Make sure you follow it closely.

Potential risks and complications

  • You may see swelling, redness, and bruising around your nose right after your operation. This is normal at first.
  • Infections could happen where you had your cuts. If you see pus or feel pain, tell your doctor.
  • Sometimes there might be bleeding or oozing from where the surgery was. Keep an eye on this.
  • You might get some bruises which is when parts of your skin turn different colours because of blood underneath.
  • Scars can form where the cuts were made. They may fade over time but won't always go away completely.

Duration of recovery

After an alar flare reduction, you may have pain, bruising, and swelling. These often get better after a few days to a week. Depending on your lifestyle & work you can usually resume your daily routine within a week.The full healing period takes about 4-6 weeks.

It's important to follow aftercare instructions from your doctor to help with recovery. Swelling goes down slowly and might take up to 6 months to totally clear. But don't worry too much; most people feel okay after just two weeks and can do their everyday things again in about one week.

Choosing a Surgeon

Selecting a surgeon is pivotal for ensuring optimal outcomes in alar flare reduction surgery; it requires evaluating credentials, scrutinising before and after galleries, and understanding financial aspects such as costs and insurance possibilities.

Qualifications and experience

Check the surgeon's training before you decide to have alar flare reduction. They should also have good skills in doing nose surgeries, like rhinoplasties and other procedures. 

Ask for proof that your doctor is trained well in plastic surgery. A good surgeon has a certificate from a board that says they know how to do the job right. You want someone who has done lots of alar base reductions.

Look at photos of other people's noses that the surgeon has fixed. This will give you an idea of their work. Talk about money and if your insurance might help pay for it too. It's smart to pick a doctor who makes you feel safe and understands what you want.

Before and after photos

Choosing the right surgeon for your alar flare reduction is a big deal. You want someone skilled in rhinoplasty and other facial procedures. Good surgeons have galleries of before and after photos to show their work.

These pictures help you see how your nose might look after surgery.

Looking at these photos gives you an idea of the changes possible with nasal surgery. They are part of getting ready for your operation too. Surgeons take them so both you and they can compare your nose's appearance from before to after the procedure.

This helps everyone understand the results of the cosmetic surgery better.

Cost and insurance coverage

After considering the transformative before and after photos, it's important to understand the financial implications of alar flare reduction surgery. The cost can be a significant factor in your decision-making process.

Procedure Insurance Coverage Cost Factors Additional Fees
Alarplasty Typically not covered Surgeon experience, location, technique used Surgeon fees, anaesthesia fees, facility fees
Septoplasty Covered for eligible patients under Medicare and private insurance Medical necessity May include same fees as alarplasty; varies by insurance plan
Alar Base Reduction Not typically covered Dependent on technique and surgeon Surgeon fees, anaesthesia fees, facility fees, potential additional costs

Patients should request a comprehensive quote to fully understand the financial commitment. Surgeons will detail all associated costs, ensuring transparency. Keep in mind, prices vary widely and are dependent on multiple factors. Remember, investment in the right surgeon may influence the success of your surgery.


Narrowing your nostrils through alar flare reduction can change how your nose looks. If you think about this nose surgery, talk to a skilled surgeon. They'll help you decide if it's right for you and tell you what to expect.

It's important to know that the change made by this operation lasts forever. Choose a good doctor and get ready for a new look that could make you very happy with your nose!